Year around it is possible to
travel by bus from Zurich to Vinkovci in Croatia, below we have listed departure time from Vinkovci, Click on the INFO icon in the timetable below to see operation dates of bus. If the travel days does not match your itinerary you have the
option to take the bus from Zurich to Zagreb, and then take a local bus from Zagreb to Vinkovci, this would make the trip slight more expensive, but for that you can travel any day of the week. . The travel time for the
1130 km long bus route from Zurich to Vinkovci is about 16 hours.
If you plan to return to Zurich with bus, you should buy a return ticket as this is cheaper then two single tickets.
Return timetable you can see here,
Unfortunately we didn't find any bus route matching your criteria
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door to door service
no charge for flight delay
no luggage hassle
name sign
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Map travel route Zurich (CH) to Vinkovci (HR)
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