The cheapest way of traveling from Zagreb to Venice is by bus. You have a daily bus from Zagreb to the Venice Mestre station, from there on you can easily get to the Venice center. you can see deparute from Zagreb to Venice Mestre here: In addition to the direct buses there are a few alternative ways to get from Zagreb to Venice by bus / public transportation. First alternative is to take bus from Zagreb to Trieste, there is at least on bus daily, you can see the current schedule here. The price of a one way ticket is approximately 160 HRK, and the price of a return ticket is approximately 256 HRK. From Trieste it is the easiest to continue with train which is very frequent.. Bus and train stations in Trieste are next to each other, so you will not have to walk a lot carrying your luggage. The price of a one way ticket for a train from Trieste to Venice is approximately € 10. A second alternative is to take the bus from Zagreb to Pula, you can see the current schedule here, from where you have daily bus connection to Venice, operated by various bus companies. The price of return tickets from Pula to Venice is approximately 250 HRK. Other means of transportation: 1. By train - Although the train line Budapest-Zagreb-Venice was successfully operating for many years, sadly, this line no longer exists and the possibility for a direct rail route from Zagreb to Venice no longer exists. Train travel is now only possible via various hubs like e.g. Villach in Austria.
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