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Zagreb to Skopje (Macedonia)

The travel distance from Zagreb to Skoje in Macedonia, is about 825 km the route goes via Belgrade in Serbia, The road is partly highway, partly country road. Road conditions vary. Travel by bus Zagreb – Skopje Bus connections between Zagreb and Skopje are very good. There is daily direct bus line between the cities. The bus on the way to Skopje stops only in Kumanovo, in northern Macedonia. If you travel to Ohrid, it is possible to continue the journey on the same bus to Struga, a town which is only about 10 kilometers away from Ohrid. Driving from Zagreb to Skopje takes about 12 hours, while the return is a little longer - about 13 hours, due to the fact that you have to wait a bit longer at the border.

__REVIEWS__CNT__ reviews
12 Mar | 18:00 Zagreb (HR) , Bus terminal
11h 30m Direct
05:30 Skopje (MK) , Bus terminal
60 EUR
18:00 Zagreb (HR) , Bus terminal
05:30 Skopje (MK) , Bus terminal
60 EUR
11h 30m Direct

Hisar Turizam (HIST)
15 reviews
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Map travel route Zagreb (HR) to Skopje (MK)

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A one-way bus ticket for Zagreb - Skopje is about 365 kn, while a return ticket Zagreb - Skopje - Zagreb is 667 kn. Other means of transport By car: Travelling by car on the route Zagreb - Skopje is the most comfortable option. Distance from Zagreb to Skopje on route E70 and E-75 is approximately 825 km and the duration of the trip on the same route is approximately 8 hours, while the coastal route E71, which has a length of 1074 km, and takes about 14 hours. Rent-a-car: You can rent a car in Zagreb, in the center or at Pleso Airport but in one direction, to Skopje. You can current car rental offer from Zagreb here. By train: It is possible to travel by train via Belgrade, where you will have to change train- By plane: Croatia Airlines offers daily flights from Zagreb to Skopje. Flight duration is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.