travel distance from Zagreb to Rovinj on route E65 and E751 (Highway) is 250 km and the estimated travel time following this route is approximately 3 hours. On the road toll fees apply.
Travel by bus from zagreb to Rovinj
Cities of Zagreb and Rovinj are
quite well connected by buses which operate on this route on a daily basis.
Travelling by bus from Zagreb to Rovinj takes about 5 hours and bus
schedules Zagreb - Rovinj can be seen below. If you also plan to travel in to opposite direction you can find timetable for
buses from Rovinj to Zagreb here.
From Zagreb Airport, there is no direct bus to Rovinj. From the airport you will first have to take the airport bus to the main bus station in Zagreb, from where find the buses to Rovinj.
Information about the airport bus Zagreb you can find here.
Alternative to the direct buses it is possible to travel via Rijeka, doing so will give you more travel options.
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Map travel route Zagreb (HR) to Rovinj (HR)
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Ticket price from Zagreb to Rovinj 150 – 200 kn (20-26 Euro) depending on Bus Company and time of travel.
Other means of transport
By car: As mentioned above travelling by car takes about 3 hours if you follow the fast routes. Alternative to the main road,
it is possible to follow country roads where no toll applies, doing so would mean a travel time of about 5 hours. . If you don’t have a car you can rent a on in Zagreb, or at the Zagreb airport.
Currently rental offers from Zagreb you can see
By train: There is no railway connection between the two cities, closest train station is the one in Pula, from where you have frequent buses to Rovinj.
By plane: There are no flights on the route Zagreb - Rovinj. An alternative option would be a flight from Zagreb to Pula and then a bus from Pula to Rovinj.
Map route Zagreb to Rovinj:
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