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Zadar to Zagreb bus

Direct buses from Zadar to Zagreb operate year-round, traveling via the highway or taking a scenic country road route that passes by the breathtaking Plitvice Lakes National Park. The driving time from 3.5 to 5 hours.

Prices and tickets Zadar to Zagreb Bus

Ticket prices from Zadar to Zagreb vary based on the season and how full the buses are. In the winter, you can find one-way tickets for as low as 10 Euros, while in the summer, the average price rises to about 20 Euros. Some bus companies offer discounted fares for round-trip tickets, children, students, and senior citizens.

Schedule and Frequency Zadar Zagreb bus

There are plenty of daily bus departures between Zadar and Zagreb. In the winter season, there are more than 10 daily departures, while in summer, this number increases to around 20 daily departures. Below, you can see some popular departure times.


__REVIEWS__CNT__ reviews
27 Mar | 07:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
03h 30m Direct
10:30 Zagreb (HR) , Bus terminal
13 EUR
07:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
10:30 Zagreb (HR) , Bus terminal
13 EUR
03h 30m Direct

Prijevoz Knežević (PKN)
5939 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
27 Mar | 08:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
03h 40m Direct
11:40 Zagreb (HR) , Bus terminal
13 EUR
08:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
11:40 Zagreb (HR) , Bus terminal
13 EUR
03h 40m Direct

Samoborček EU grupa (SMB)
3228 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
27 Mar | 12:30 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
03h 30m Direct
16:00 Zagreb (HR) , Bus terminal
13 EUR
12:30 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
16:00 Zagreb (HR) , Bus terminal
13 EUR
03h 30m Direct

Prijevoz Knežević (PKN)
5939 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
27 Mar | 16:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
03h 35m Direct
19:35 Zagreb (HR) , Bus terminal
14 EUR
16:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
19:35 Zagreb (HR) , Bus terminal
14 EUR
03h 35m Direct

Prijevoz Francuzević (PFR)
484 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
27 Mar | 16:25 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
03h 30m Direct
19:55 Zagreb (HR) , Bus terminal
13 EUR
16:25 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
19:55 Zagreb (HR) , Bus terminal
13 EUR
03h 30m Direct

Prijevoz Knežević (PKN)
5939 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
27 Mar | 19:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
03h 40m Direct
22:40 Zagreb (HR) , Bus terminal
13 EUR
19:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
22:40 Zagreb (HR) , Bus terminal
13 EUR
03h 40m Direct

Samoborček EU grupa (SMB)
3228 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
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Map travel route Zadar (HR) to Zagreb (HR)

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You can see bus timetable in the opposite direction here.

Bus station Zadar - Departure station

The bus from Zadar to Zagreb depart from the main bus station in Zadar (Locally know as Autobusni Kolodvor Zadar) the address of the bus station is Ante Starcevica 1, 23000 Zadar, you can find more info here:

Bus station Zagreb - Arrival station

The arrival bus station in Zagreb is located at the address Avenija Marina Držića 4, 10000 Zagreb, which is about 20 minutes walk from the city center, you can find more info about the bus station here:

Zadar to Zagreb bus at the bus station in Zadar
Bus for Zagreb ready to depart Zadar


How long is the bus ride from Zadar to Zagreb?

The fastest departures have a scheduled driving time of 3.5 hours; these buses travel via the highway. Buses that travel via the country road need up to 1.5 hour more. During the summer season, delays may occur due to traffic.

How many departures are there between Zadar and Zagreb

In the winter season, there are at least 10 daily departures, which increase to about 20 daily departures during the main summer season. The departures are well distributed throughout the day.

How much is a bus ticket from Zadar to Zagreb?

Ticket prices fluctuate with the seasons and bus occupancy, typically ranging from 12 to 17 Euros in winter. During the bustling summer months, fares rise to between 18 and 25 Euros. For the most economical rates, early booking in the summer is recommended.

Where do buses depart from Zadar and arrive in Zagreb?

In Zadar, all intercity buses depart from the main bus station location about 20 minutes walk from the old town. Conversely, in Zagreb, all buses arrive at the main bus station, which boasts excellent tram connections to the city center.

Is it necessary to print the ticket?

Now, all bus companies accept electronic tickets, so all you need to do is present the ticket on your smartphone to the driver!

Does the bus from Zadar to Zagreb stop on the way?

Buses traveling via the highway typically make a 15-20 minute stop halfway at a gas station, allowing passengers to buy refreshments and use the restrooms.

Buses that take the country road route stop in cities to drop off and board passengers and usually include at least one longer stop along the way.

Amenities and Luggage Policy

The amenities available on the bus vary; typically, you'll find Wi-Fi, extra leg-room, and air conditioning. On some departures, there may also be charging sockets and a restroom.

As a general rule, each passenger is allowed to bring a carry-on or backpack and a suitcase for the hold. Be aware that the suitcase may incur a charge of 1-3 Euros, so it's wise to have some coins on hand. Typically, there's ample space in the hold for additional suitcases, though these will also be subject to a fee.

Facts about this Journey

Travel distance fastest route295 Km / 183 Miles
Average ticket price€20 / $22 / £18
Scenic viewsYes, some!
Departures in summerup to 20
Departures in winteraround 10
Bus companies on this routeCazmatrans Promet, Arriva, Slavonija Bus, AP Varazdin, Samoborcek, Flixbus, Francuzevic, Knezevic
Stops at Zadar AirportNo
Stops at Zagreb AirportNo

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Photo, Text and FAQ answers by Morten Smalby