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Bus Porec to Pula

Arena PulaThe road distance between Porec and Pula is 58 kilometers of which 42 kilometers are on the motorway in Istria. If you decide to take the highway between the two cities, it will take you about 55 minutes. Another option is a local road trip through Istria, but although it is a slightly shorter route (52 kilometers), under ideal conditions your journey will take at least 15 minutes longer. Before picking out the route, you should definitely take into account that traffic jams are very frequent on local roads in the season. If you travel the highway, the entrance to the motorway is at junction Baderna and the exit is at junction Pula. The toll for cars is 21 kuna. Bus travel between Porec and Pula Bus connections between Porec and Pula are very good. During the day there are plenty of bus connections and the season has increased the number of regular lines between Porec and Pula.  If you are travelling to the Pula airport you first have to go to Pula main bus station and then continue from there on to the airport.
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Porec (HR)
Pula (HR)
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  • door to door service
  • no charge for flight delay
  • no luggage hassle
  • name sign
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Map travel route Porec (HR) to Pula (HR)

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What to see in Pula: If you are in the process of preparing your Croatia itinerary, you should check out this comprehensive travel guide for Pula which has lost of valuable information, if you should have any questions in relation to Pula, travelling to Pula etc. you can use the comment feel on that site to ask your question.