Travel by car: the distance between Split and Rovinj is 503 km which equals a travel time of approximately 4 hours and 50 minutes. The fastest option is to travel from Split to Rijeka there via highway (toll fee applies) and from Rijeka to Rovinj you can choose between two options. The best option is to travel from Rijeka to Rovinj via Istrian Y, you will have to pay total toll cost for the car ca. 37 Kuna. Another option is to travel via local roads, but in that case travelling time is much longer.
Travel by bus: There is a direct bus from Split to Rovinj. Travelling by bus from Split to Rovinj takes approximately 10-11 hours, depending on the bus carrier. Alternative to the direct buses it is possible to use Rijeka as a hub, doing so gives you more travel options.
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Map travel route Split (HR) to Rovinj (HR)
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Alternative ways of travelling from Split to Rovinj:
Travel by train: there is no direct train line from Split to Rovinj, but it is possible to travel via Zagreb to Pula, and than continue with bus or private transfer.
Travel by plane: on this route there is no direct flight, but it is possible to fly from Split to Pula via Zagreb.
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