The shortest
travel distance from Split to Belgrade in Serbia is a bit less then 600 km, but this route is only recommendable for those who like to drive on adventurous roads,
the shortest route goes through Bosnia. The fastest and most recommendable route goes via the Croatian highway, this route has a length of about 800 km, but nevertheless it is considerably faster than the shortest route (see routes on map below)
Travelling with bus from Split to Belgrade
There are a
few direct buses between Split and Belgrade, travel time is around 12 hours. As an alternative to the direct buses there is the option to
travel either via Bosnia or via Zagreb, especially Zagreb has quite a few connections to Belgrade, if you manage to find well matching buses, the travel time via Zagreb is similar to the direct buses.
You can see current timetable below.
Arrival in Belgrade:
main bus station in Belgrade (BAS) is situated next to the main train station, which is
about 1 km from the city centre. Walking to the centre takes about 15 minutes, alternatively there are city buses, (mind the pirate taxis, there are only there to rip you off). Make sure to check if your bus arrives at the main bus station or at the second station (Lasta).
Address main bus station Belgrade: Železnička 4, Phone 264-4455, fax 2659-480.
Plentiful accommodation can be found in the centre, where you have option the to choose between
private apartments, hotels, and hostels – a larger selection of accommodation units in Belgrade you can find by clicking on the icons here:
__DATE__ |
door to door service
no charge for flight delay
no luggage hassle
name sign
27 Jan |
Split (HR) ,
Bus terminal
13h 30m
Belgrade (RS) ,
Bus terminal
Split (HR) ,
Bus terminal
Belgrade (RS) ,
New Bus station Belgrade Arrivals Bus terminal
Operational intervals
01.01. - 31.12.
Other dates with available routes:
Unfortunately, we didn’t find any bus route matching your criteria.
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Map travel route Split (HR) to Belgrade (RS)
This information is supplied without liability
Other means of Transportation
By car, as mentioned above the
fastest route goes via the Croatian and Serbian highway. This 800 km route has a travel time of about 8-9 hours, provided you don’t have to spend too much time at the border. The
alternative routes through Bosnia, have a similar estimated travel time if you look them up at Google-maps or via Michelin, but in reality,
all these routes have a travel time of minimum 10 hours.
By train, from a time perspective,
train is considerably slower then bus or car, nevertheless it is possible to travel by
train from Split to Zagreb and then from there on to Belgrade.
Train timetable you can find here. Alternatively there is also train option Ploce-Sarajevoand then Sarajevo to Belgrade
By Plane, prior years, the Serbian carrier Jat Airways has been operating a direct flight to Split during summer months.