The driving
distance between Split and Amsterdam is app. 1.705-1725 km (1060-1070 miles), driving time with car is around 17 hours. On the map below we have marked the 3 recommended driving routes.
Currently we have
no confirmed bus connection between Split and Amsterdam, feel free to contact us
here, if you have information about a scheduled bus connection between the cities.
For now we
recommend travellers to
take a bus to destinations in German like e.g. Cologne, or Frankfurt, from those cities there should be plenty of options to continue the travel to Amsterdam, either by bus or other mean of transportation.



Plane: During summer months there are
several weekly connections from Split airport to Amsterdam, during winter season it is possible to fly to Amsterdam via Zagreb or Frankfurt Germany, you can find flight connections
Unfortunately we didn't find any bus route matching your criteria
__DATE__ |
door to door service
no charge for flight delay
no luggage hassle
name sign
Unfortunately, we didn’t find any bus route matching your criteria.
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Map travel route Split (HR) to Amsterdam (NL)
This information is supplied without liability
Map route Split to Amsterdam
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