road distance between Porec and Venice is 242 km and most of is the highway. Of the total distance, 193 kilometers of the journey is the highway in Italy and the Istrian motorway (Istrian Y) which was completed in 2011. The part of the route that goes through Slovenia is on local roads.
Estimated travel time between Porec and Venice is 3.5 hours and the total cost of toll (through Croatia and Italy) is around 90 kuna for cars. If you want to avoid the highway and the toll, you can use local roads through Istria and Italy to arrive to Venice, but the trip will in that case be at least 2 hours longer.
Bus travel between Porec and Venice
There is
no direct bus line between Porec and Venice main bus station, which leaves you with the following "bus" options
- Take a bus from Porec to Pula and from there to Venice take a direct bus. The bus between Pula and Venice operates regularly all year long and a detailed schedule for the bus between Pula and Venice can be seen here. One-way ticket price from Pula to Venice is around 160 kuna.
- A better and easier way is to take bus from Porec to the Mestre station by Venice, from Mestre station there are frequent community trains to the old town in Venice, travel time is about 10-12 minutes. If you carrige heavy luggage there is luggage stoarge avalible at the station. timetable from Porec to Venice Mestre you can see here
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Map travel route Porec (HR) to Venice - Mestre (IT)
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One day trip from Porec to Venice
One of the
most popular one day trip destinations from Porec is definitely Venice. For a one day trip to Venice the best option is to take a boat. Most travel agents in Porec have in their offer one day trips to Venice. The
price for a day trip to Venice from Pula by boat is about 65-70 Euros for adults and 33 Euros for children. The price includes a tour guide and a normally also a visit to Murano glassware. Travelling by boat is a lot more comfortable than travelling by car considering that it takes 3.5 hours and in case there is no traffic jam. (which luckily does not occur that often anymore).
It is not possible to organize one day trips by public transport due to the current bus schedule. However, the departure from Pula to Venice is in the early morning hours, the journey takes 4.30-5 hours, and from Venice to Trieste the bus departs in the early afternoon.
Travel from Porec to Venice with an overnight stay
If you plan to
visit Venice and stay overnight, travelling by car or bus is then not a bad option because in that case you can include a short visit to Trieste to your trip. Since Venice is a city exclusively focused on tourism, there is a
large selection of different types of accommodation, from hotels, hostels, apartments and so on. A detailed accommodation offer can be found below, by clicking on the icons:
Other means of transport
By car: as we already mentioned, if you travel by car you can choose between two routes, but in any case it is advisable to use the highway because the trip is faster, safer and more comfortable. If you don't have a car during your stay in Porec, you can see the best rent-a-car offer here.
By train: travelling from Porec to Venice by train is not possible. You although have train from Trieste to Venice
By plane: there are no direct flights from Porec to Venice.