From Dubrovnik to Orebic there are several daily bus departures , the travel distance between the cities is about 110 km, which equals a bus travel time of about 2.5 hours.
The buses departure from the main bus station in Dubrovnik,
if you wish to travel from the airport , you first have to take the airport bus to the bus station, alternatively you can arrange a
transfer directly from the airport here
__DATE__ |
door to door service
no charge for flight delay
no luggage hassle
name sign
12 Mar |
Dubrovnik (HR) ,
Bus terminal
02h 46m
Orebic t/p (HR) ,
Bus terminal
Dubrovnik (HR) ,
Bus terminal
Orebic t/p (HR) ,
Bus stop
Operational intervals 01.01. - 31.12. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Air-condition is generally available on this route (Availability not guaranteed)
Only 5 left
Only 5 left
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Map travel route Dubrovnik (HR) to Orebic t/p (HR)
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