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Bus Bern to Zadar

How to travel with bus from Bern to Zadar in Croatia? Year around there is bus from Bern to Zadar, during summer season the bus runs daily, during winter season 3-4 times per week. details of the timetable and ticket prices you you can see below. Once arrived in Zadar, you can continue with local bus to places like, Nin, Island Pag, Zaton, Island Vir and many other great holiday destinations in the area. As a return ticket is about 20% cheaper, you should buy that one if you also have to travel back. In the period where the bus line does not operated daily, you have option also to travel via the Bern - Zagreb line, and then continue with at domesic bus to Zadar. Travel time from Bern to Zadar is about 17 hours.
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Map travel route Bern (CH) to Zadar (HR)

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