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Trieste to Pula

From Trieste to Pula, there is a travel distance of about 120 km. Trough out the year there are several daily departures between the cities, in the summer season additional seasonal buses are running. Driving time for by bus is about 2.5 to 3 hours. In Trieste the bus drive from Piazza della Libertà / Via Flavio Gioia 2, which is in the centre of town, just next to the train station? In Pula the buses stop at the main bus station which is about 800 meter from the Pula Arena. You can see timetable for buses from Trieste to Pula below, and if your are travelling from Pula to Trieste you can see the timetable here

__REVIEWS__CNT__ reviews
Trieste (IT)
1h 40min
Pula (HR)
book a transfer
  • door to door service
  • no charge for flight delay
  • no luggage hassle
  • name sign
02 Apr | 14:00 Trieste (IT) , Bus terminal
02h 00m Direct
16:00 Pula (HR) , Bus terminal
30 EUR
14:00 Trieste (IT) , Bus terminal
16:00 Pula (HR) , Bus terminal
30 EUR
02h 00m Direct

Fils - Pula (FIL)
827 reviews
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Map travel route Trieste (IT) to Pula (HR)

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