Did you know you can actually travel from various Croatian towns, to Skopje, Tetovo and Gostivar in Macedonia, each Wednesday and Saturday, there is a direct bus from Novigrad in Istria with end station in Gostivar in Macedonia, and the bus goes in the opposite direction on Thursdays and Sundays. The travel time from Istria to Skopje is about 18 hours. Here you can se timetable and ticket prices for the most popular travel combinations here: Novigrad to Skopje Porec to Skopje Rijeka to Skopje Zagreb to Skopje From Dalmatia there is also a direct route to Struga, Kicevo, Gustivar, Tetovo and Skopje, this routes drives each Thursday and Sunday from Split via Dubrovnik. The returning bus from Skopje to Split, departures each Wednesday and Saturday. The end to end travel time from Split to Skopje is about 18 hours. In Croatia you can buy ticket for this bus from Split, Makarska, Ploce and Dubrovnik, timetable and price for the most popular travel combinations you can find here: Split to Skopje Makarska to Skopje Ploce to Skopje Dubrovnik to Skopje The buses are scheduled to drive all year around; on the trip the bus of course has several stops as places where it is possible to buy food etc. Return tickets has a discount, same goes for ticket for children less then 10 years old. You can use the search engine above, to find other travel combinations and prices on the route.